Nigeria: Hisbah Commander in Kano, Sheikh Daurawa Resigns Amid Criticism

Nigeria: Hisbah Commander in Kano, Sheikh Daurawa Resigns Amid Criticism

By Ahmad Hadizat Omayoza, Mamos Nigeria

In a surprising turn of events, the Commander General of the Kano Hisbah Board, Sheikh Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa, announced his resignation from his position. The announcement was made through a short video clip posted on his official Facebook page.

This decision came swiftly, less than 24 hours after Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf voiced his concerns about the recent strategies adopted by Hisbah in addressing issues of immorality within the state. Governor Yusuf particularly expressed his disapproval of the manner in which Hisbah officials were conducting raids in public places to apprehend individuals, particularly women, suspected of engaging in prostitution. The Governor deemed these methods as uncivilized and called for a review of Hisbah’s operational approach.

In response to Governor Yusuf’s criticism, Sheikh Daurawa defended the actions of the Hisbah board under his leadership, stating that they had taken appropriate measures to curb societal immorality, especially targeting social media influencers. He emphasized that these actions were in accordance with Islamic principles.

However, in light of the Governor’s comments, Sheikh Daurawa felt it was best to step down from his position. He expressed his gratitude to the Governor and his administration while wishing them well.

This development has sparked discussions about the role of religious police, such as Hisbah, in a secular state like Nigeria. It has also raised questions about the balance between enforcing moral values and respecting individual liberties. As the Kano Hisbah Board undergoes a leadership transition, it remains to be seen how the organization will address these challenges moving forward.

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