Sudan: Pregnant lady and child abandoned in Sudan because of Home office delays, says spouse

Sudan: Pregnant lady and child abandoned in Sudan because of Home office delays, says spouse

By Ahmad Hadizat Omayoza, MAMOS Nigeria

As they remain stranded in Sudan while waiting for a UK visa, the Home Office has been accused of putting the lives of a heavily pregnant woman and her three-year-old daughter in danger.

The mother, who is almost nine months pregnant, has been trying to protect her daughter from the violence that is taking place on the streets of Khartoum, the capital, for more than a year.

Her significant other, who has displaced person status in the UK and functions as a carer in Wolverhampton, is taking a stab at all that to get his friends and family out of the contention zone – in which there are still flareups of savagery notwithstanding the truce – before his better half conceives an offspring.

For reasons of security, the couple, both 25 years old, are Eritrean refugees. They cannot be named. In the same way as other different Eritreans they escaped their oppressive home nation and crossed the boundary to Sudan, where they at first settled. The couple then, at that point, concurred the spouse would attempt to arrive at the UK and guarantee haven since Sudan was dangerous.

They intended to make a family gathering application after he was conceded evacuee status, permitting him to carry his better half and youthful girl to the UK. The application was submitted in February of last year, but no action has been taken on it. The Work space focus at the time was 12 weeks.

During the husband’s autumn trip to Khartoum with his wife and daughter, she became pregnant with their second child.

He stated, ” My better half, who is almost nine months pregnant, and my little girl are caught in the city of Khartoum. The fighting damaged their house. The hospitals are closed, and they have limited access to food and water. My better half areas of strength for is what is going on is extremely terrible. I can’t rest and don’t have the foggiest idea what we will do.

My wife, daughter, and unborn child would now be safe in the UK if the Home Office had processed the family reunion visa on time.

Before the woman gives birth away from him, the man pleaded with the government of the UK to immediately evacuate his wife and daughter. He pleaded with the Guardian and the Home Office to “do something, please, please.”

A few weeks ago, officials posted an update on the government website stating that applicants for refugee family reunion visas should not contact them until nine months have passed—triple the previous standard for processing.

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