Romania: Romania recalls an ambassador who is accused of comparing African diplomats to monkeys
By Ahmad Hadizat Omayoza, Mamos Nigeria
After he allegedly compared them to monkeys while attending a meeting in Nairobi, the Africa group within the United Nations stated that it would never collaborate with the Romanian ambassador to Kenya again in certain forums.
The group likewise requested an unqualified and open acknowledgment to individuals of Africa.
Dragos Viorel Tigau was at the end of the week reviewed by the Romanian foreign ministry directly following the protests that followed a group at the UN working in Kenya’s capital on 26 April when a monkey showed up at the window of the meeting room. ” According to a note from the South Sudanese embassy in Kenya, Tigau allegedly stated, “The African group has joined us.”
The Romanian foreign ministry said at the end of the week it had just been educated regarding the occurrence this week and “started a method to review its minister”.
“We profoundly lament what is happening and proposition our conciliatory sentiments to every one of the individuals who have been impacted,” it added, saying bigoted way of behaving or remarks were “totally unsatisfactory”.
On May 31, Chol Ajongo, the acting dean of the Africa group and South Sudan’s ambassador to Kenya, wrote to the director general of the United Nations Office to express his rage, shock, and disgust over the ambassador’s “disparaging and utterly unacceptable remarks.”
In addition, he warned the ambassador that if he did not make the necessary amends, he would leave any event that Tigau attended. He also demanded that the ambassador publicly and clearly apologize for his actions. The letter said the Africa bunch was “not ready to partake in similar spaces” as the representative on issues connecting with natural security and UN environment.
He stated that Tigau had called the meeting as the regional group’s convenor of eastern European states. One of the agents condemned Tigau at the hour of the supposed comment and requested he withdraw it and apologize.
Ajongo noted that UN regulations mandate that employees adhere to acceptable standards, including nondiscrimination and cultural respect.
The ambassador’s comments were in clear dismissal of the ethos and respect of humankind, too underneath the status expected of a diplomat, he said.