Kuwait: Fedha is a presenter created by AI, according to a Kuwaiti newspaper

Kuwait: Fedha is a presenter created by AI, according to a Kuwaiti newspaper

“Fedha” made her Twitter debut on the Kuwait News, a Kuwait Times subsidiary.

She appears to be a woman with light-colored hair, wearing a white T-shirt and a black jacket.

According to Kuwait News deputy editor-in-chief Abdullah Boftain, the move put AI’s ability to provide “new and innovative content” to the test.

“I’m Fedha, the primary moderator in Kuwait who works with man-made reasoning at Kuwait News. Which type of news do you like best? In Arabic, the AI-generated presenter said, “Let’s hear your thoughts.”

Mr Boftain said Fedha might create to have a Kuwaiti inflection and perused internet based news notices.

“Fedha is a well-known, ancient Kuwaiti name for the metal silver. “We combined the two because we always imagine robots to be silver and metallic in color,” he stated.

Mr. Boftain stated that the presenter’s light-colored eyes and blonde hair reflect the diverse Kuwaiti and expatriate population.

Mr. Boftain stated that the presenter’s light-colored eyes and blonde hair reflect the diverse Kuwaiti and expatriate population.

The introduction of an AI-generated news presenter is not unique to Kuwait: In 2018, the state news agency of China unveiled its very own virtual newsreader with a sharp suit and a voice that sounds a little robotic.

A report last month by venture bank Goldman Sachs said simulated intelligence could supplant what might be compared to 300 million regular positions.

The report suggested that the technology could take over a quarter of work tasks in the United States and Europe, but it also said that it could create a lot of new jobs and increase productivity.

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