Blaxit announces plans to invite Marcus Garvey’s son to Gambia

Blaxit announces plans to invite Marcus Garvey’s son to Gambia

Gambian-based BlaXit YouTube production couple Juliet Ryan and Kalada Briggs are working on hosting Dr Julius Garvey, the son of prolific Pan Africanist Marcus Mosiah Garvey, in The Gambia.

Juliet Ryan, a British national who is leading the campaign to get African descendants’ automatic citizenship in Africa, said bringing Dr Garvey to Banjul is significant and would help Gambians better understand the history and living conditions of black people in America, Europe, and the Caribbean. She said while in Banjul, Dr Garvey will hold lectures on Pan-Africanism, the significance of getting African descendants reintegrated, his father’s life, and meet President Adama Barrow.

“We appeal to the government, NGOs, historians, and philanthropists to come forward and support the initiative of bringing Dr Garvey to Banjul. We believe it would be a worthy investment to bring such a pan-Africanist to The Gambia,” Juliet said.

Meanwhile, in a recent interview with BlaXit YouTube production couple Juliet Ryan and Kalada Briggs, Dr Julius Garvey, a retired cardiotropic and vascular surgeon, urged African descendants in America, Europe, and the Caribbean who decided to return to Africa to continue doing so because Africa is the future.

“We should therefore bring our human and financial resources back to Africa, where they will bear great fruit. With a population of nearly 400 million, we have a lot to offer, and together with the population on the African continent, we will end up being a quarter of the world’s population. So if we unite, we will have a significant voice, and we will be able to sit at the table with anybody and speak from strength, not begging. But we should do this now or else Africa will be recolonised again,” he said.

Commenting on his father’s incarceration, Dr Garvey said: “My dad is a major Pan-Africanist and champion of African people, and his name shall be cleared because we will not allow white reign because their time of reigning is over, and if they don’t recognise it, that is their problem, but we will continue to fight. We started with Barack Obama and made a presentation to him, and we have done the same thing with Joe Biden.

“We are trying to mobilise the whole African world, shall we say, because he is a champion of the whole black world. If the white people in America and Europe want to deal with us, they have to respect us,” he said. For more, you can watch the full interview at or call Juliet at 240-5273,, or

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